Sunday, September 03, 2006

Ali and West Coast

I is here with my main man Yaniv "West SSSiidddeee Surfer" Greenvald.
West Side: You mean "West Coast Surfer"
Ali: You say tomato I say potato
West Coast: No no no you don't understand, my name is West Coast Surfer, not West Side surfer
Ali: Waaatttever West SSSIIIIddeee, what are you up to now?
West Coast: You know, cruising the Oregon coast, where the surfs up and the girls are hot.
Ali: IIIIiiiiiIIII
Ali: me friend Juli is from Oregon, and when she is with three girls the surfs up. IIiiII. Is you the same?
West Coast: Do you mean 3 chinese girls?
West Coast: Check out my new movie:

Love and Buyakasha,
Yaniv and Lotan

1 comment:

Anir said...

We have a lighthouse here as well you know. Might as well come back