Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Mr. Green said...

ha ha
IS a nice!

anyone want to come play at bc hydro today?!

and lotan/yaniv - nice posts :)
miss you guys a lot a lot

guess you slipped through the clutches of the lapd.....
'cause you ain't back in van


Raquel said...


Thanks for including me in the coctail...but couldn't you find a FUGLIER picture of me??? I know that the camera doesn't lie...but, c'mon!! some help here!!

Mr. Green said...

raquel - i had a good picture, but then it wouldnt be in the rights

Mr. Green said...

hey man - wasn't me who posted this ode to fug

(love that word)

Mr. Green said...

Chris - that is the weirdest picture I've ever seen of you!!!