Sunday, September 03, 2006

Yaniv! Come back! Look at Iram's coffee!

K, so now that we can say that Yaniv is not coming back (no chance?), might as well pack up ny taste buds with him, that ofcourse, unless I like burnt food, i.e. Pizza, popcorn, salad, and, er, Coffee.
Yes, look at the glass Yaniv - how many mistakes can you find in the picture?

(The coffee, Brazilian BTW, is the black glass, the other one is a lemonade, so don't be too worry, although, come to think of it, BE worry)

Please help Jackie (ג'קי) to find out all the flaws in the picture. Colour them and send them to:
1234 Maafan St.
St. Maafan

Oy G(re)e(n)vald!

Nevertheless, it's good to have Iram, especially when you have a helpmate in the image of Maureen to restraint him and keep him balanced :)

{Posted by Anir}

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